Return of the U.S.S. Saratoga

Our Quest for the Return of the U.S.S. Saratoga

The Rise of the Fighting Game Cock

As we know, since 1780 through 1994, our United States Navy has always had a United States Ship named SARATOGA. Since the days of the Colonial Navy, there have been six United States Ships with SARATOGA on her stern plate.

During the 2018 U.S.S. Saratoga Association Reunion, held in San Antonio, the Association’s Board and Membership approved a plan to submit a request to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) to name a future US Navy Ship the SARATOGA.


In December 2018, the Association formally submitted a formal written request to SECNAV. On 3 January 2019, the SECNAV acknowledged receipt of the Association’s written request.


Since January 2019, the Association and its Membership has continued to lobby SECNAV on our Unites States Ship naming mission. We have continued to submit request letters from individuals, former SARATOGA Sailors (including at least one former Commanding Officer), as well as endorsements from local, state and federal elected officials.


As we close-out 2020, the Association needs your support of our combined efforts to bring the great Naval Legacy of SARATOGA back to life. Please help us work to convince SECNAV to name a new United States Ship the USS Saratoga, and to continue our proud Navy tradition of this enduring fighting ship.


Click this link (or button below) to download a letter that can be printed, signed and mailed to SECNAV in support of our effort. If you would rather compose your own letter, please feel free to do so.



Respectfully yours,

Bill Lack
U.S.S. Saratoga Association