USS Saratoga Mirror Located at the Fos'cle Lounge (formerly the CPO Club) Mayport

dianeIn 2004, the Chief’s Club in Mayport, Florida contacted Saratoga Association President, Brad Senter, and asked if the Association would be interested in putting up some type of memorial for the Saratoga, in memory of her 38 years of service to our great country. After months of negotiation, it was decided to install a 5’ X 9’ mirror inside the club with a picture of the Saratoga and the names of all our shipmates who passed away while serving aboard the ship. Brad contracted Gorman’s Etched Art Studios in Jacksonville to get a price for the project. The estimate was $2500. Tom Laquiere, a member of the Association, was contacted to see if he would head up the fund-raising project for the mirror. He sent out letters to CVA/CV-60 shipmates and the money began coming in. Only about $1250 was raised through those donations, but a former CO of Saratoga, a retired admiral, was kind enough to donate the additional $1250. He wished for his donation to remain anonymous.


Diane Senter (Brad’s wife) worked on the design and layout for the mirror and when it was finished, a rough proof was sent out to all the shipmates who made a donation for the project. Everyone was pleased with the design with the exception of two Admirals. The both wanted a different model of plane to be coming off the flight deck. After extensive research, it was determined which Admiral was senior in rank and it was finally decided to have an A6 Intruder coming off the catapult. At about this time, The Forrestal Association also decided to do a similar project for the Chief’s Club.


Brad did the extensive research compiling the names of the deceased shipmates using the ship’s cruise books. After this information was gathered and the design was done, it was submitted to Gorman’s to complete the project.


A dedication ceremony was held for the Saratoga and the Forrestal mirror in May 2005. Several former CO’s of both ships and shipmate as well attended the ceremony.