
Scholarship Opportunities

The U.S.S. Saratoga Association's Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors, who meet one of the following eligibility criteria:


  • A son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter or great-grandson or great-granddaughter of a U.S.S. Saratoga Association Member (Sponsor), who served aboard either the CV-3, CVA-60 or CV-60.  The Sponsor must be a Member in good standing for a minimum of the past 12 months.

  • Eligible high school seniors may apply for scholarship support in the name of a deceased Association Member.

  • On a case-by-case basis, consideration will also be given to eligible high school seniors related to Association Honorary Members.


Scholarship applicants will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, community/volunteer service, a submitted essay(2) and other stipulated selection criteria. 


Scholarships are awarded on an objective and non-discriminatory basis, without regard to race, color or disability. 


Scholarships will be awarded on a one-time basis.


Member in good standing shall mean a Member who is current in annual dues or has paid for a life membership and has been an Association Member for a minimum of 12-months.

Submitted essay shall mean a submission that is written in accordance with Scholarship Application requirements.

The Scholarship Application process for 2024 is now closed.


The U.S.S. Saratoga Association Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors that meet the criteria defined on this page. 

Scholarship Donations

The Scholarship program was created in 2017 as a means to enhance the legacy of the Association, as well as offering an additional benefit to being an Association member. It provides a tool to allow the name, U.S.S. Saratoga, to continue on in perpetuity.


We have completed seven years of awarding scholarships. We have awarded 29 scholarships for a total dollar amount of $43,500. We are most grateful to everyone who has generously donated to the program. Remember, our children and grandchildren are our future.


No one knows what the future holds for the possibility of a seventh U.S.S. Saratoga. This is a way to make sure that the great name, U.S.S. Saratoga continues on.

Donate by Check


Donations can also be submitted via check (please earmark your donation for the Scholarship fund) and sent to:


U.S.S. Saratoga Association

447 Land ‘Or Drive

Ruther Glen, VA 22546


On behalf of your Scholarship Committee, we thank you for your past contributions and certainly need and look forward to your future contributions as well as all new ones.


The committee would like to acknowledge and thank the Association for their continued support and assistance in the Scholarship program. As we all move forward in these uncertain times, the certainty of helping our children remains paramount, because “Our Children are our future.”